S.T.E.M. Class

Coding Mini-Games

Grades: 1-3*

Code a game! Code a turtle! Code a friend!

Physical and digital games, games, and more games! Are you ready to join the exciting world of programming? In our "Coding Mini-Games" class, we will have a blast learning the basics of coding by making and playing interactive games.

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Q. What does a proud computer call his little son? A. A microchip off the old block.


Physical and digital games, games, and more games! Are you ready to join the exciting world of programming? In our “Coding Mini-Games” class, we will have a blast learning the basics of coding by making interactive games.

You’ll get to use the super easy but powerful Scratch Jr platform to make your very own digital games just like the ones you love to play! We’ll learn how to make characters move, add sounds, and even react to events in your game. Not only will you have fun but also you will learn important skills like problem solving, logical thinking, sequence and cause and effect.

But this class isn’t just in front of a screen! We have many fun physical coding games and activities to help teach and reinforce coding concepts. You’ll be able to code your friends! Join us and let’s learn something awesome together.

This class is great for nerds that like games! Playing them and building them! The Scratch Jr platform is easy to use and understand, with blocks, colors and symbols that are friendly to our little noob nerds, but is also capable of creating complex scripts for our more advanced nerds! Our little nerds love that this class is interactive, with lots of movement and physical coding, while still creating fun digital games.



Nerds will create lots of digital code in this class to create mini-games, animations, and interactive stories. Nerds will also make scripts to “code” real life objects like robot mice, friends dressed as turtles, and even program your teacher to do tasks! Nerds will also build their own physical coding game to take home and share with their families!



Nerds in this class learn coding fundamentals such as sequencing, loops, sensing, and conditional logic. It may seem complicated, but this is the perfect time to get started with programming! Nerds will learn to write scripts, iterate, and debug their code!



Our Little Nerd classes for grades 1-3, are engaging and exciting and vary greatly in content and structure, but in some form there is always direct instruction from the teacher, guided practice, and independent or small group work with help and support from peers and staff. We usually begin the day with a team building activity and move into our first lesson. Next is a hands-on activity or project. Halfway through the class, kids will take a brief recess and snack break. A second lesson follows break and the kids will do another project/activity or continue one they were working on. Bottom line: It’s hands-on, interactive, fun learning.

SUMMER & BREAK CLASSES ONLY: Class is 3hrs each day, so bring a snack for break time. Also, bring your own refillable water bottle. Don’t have one? Add our Nerding water bottle to your order and pick up on first day of class!


Your nerd will build and discover like these nerds have.


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View our After School page to see if this class is offered. Not all classes are offered after school.

Summer Camp

$145 - $225

2024 was a great summer of classes! See you Summer 2025. Registration will open Saturday 10am, March 8, 2025.

Questions before signing up?