
Nope! Nerds are provided with all the things they will need for classes, including laptops and electronics.

Having special needs absolutely does NOT exclude your nerd from Nerding. It’s important for nerds of all backgrounds and ability levels to experience STEM. We believe that all kids should have access to STEM experiences and have had many students with special needs of some type. Of course, we are not equipped to accommodate all situations. Nerds do need to be able to handle a classroom setting and work independently. They also need to be able to use the bathroom independently. We don’t have the resources for individual aides or behavior support. If a kiddo is well behaved and can follow directions in a classroom, they would be absolutely fine. Academically we are easily able to differentiate instruction and projects to meet their needs, though some classes might be a better fit than others. In the past, we’ve also partnered some of our special needs kids with a kind and understanding group of peers to help them during class and our student to teacher ratio is 10:1. We have also worked with parents who provided their own professional aid to accompany their kiddo in class.  Contact us to discuss further. (833)-NERDING

Some companies do bake into the price of the class the cost of a drone, 3D printer, or other high-priced tech gadgets; we do not. We feel it’s up to you to decide when and what you may want to buy for your own personal use. But we will make recommendations. For instance, we wrote up a blog post about the Flashforge 3D printers we use and why.

In most cases, yes, kiddos bring home their projects! Only a couple of classes will have building materials we need to keep for future use. Other things like laptops, drones, robots, and other electronics can not be brought home.

No, sorry. Nerding keeps all relatable age groups together. We have put many years of experience and a lot of consideration into grouping nerds at these grade levels. You may notice we go by grade level and not age. There are reasons behind that choice. Even though a 3rd grader might be able to handle the content of a 4th-7th grade class, it might be socially inappropriate to have them with 7th graders. Our curriculum is designed to allow individuals to explore their own potential. Keep in mind a lot of our nerds are gifted so they will still feel challenged amongst their peers.

Each nerd will want:

  • Water bottle
  • Snack(s)
  • Lunch if staying all day
  • Maybe- light jacket if we crank down the AC… for the morning classes
  • Optional! Other things we can always use to replenish our stash: Junk/recyclables/clean, flat cardboard, paper towel tubes, old electronics that we can take apart, random craft supplies

As you may have noticed, our age groups are narrower than most other programs. It’s not an accident. This actually helps us maintain quality because the teachers have a narrower age range of students and the curriculum is designed specifically for those age groups. Meeting the needs of a wide range of abilities in a class is difficult, even for us veteran teachers. Also, a kiddo that is academically ready for more difficult content still may not have the maturity needed to be appropriate in a class of older kids. We know all kids are different, but this is something that helps us provide the best possible classes to all our nerds. We want all the nerds in our classes to get the most out of their experience. If your nerd is too young for a class, as a general rule, no they can’t enroll.

Prior classroom experience is important when deciding to let younger nerds into the K-1 or 1-3 graded classes.

If you feel your nerd would be more successful in a younger age group or has technically aged out, contact us first. We can discuss specific classes and work with you for proper placement.

Nerding classes are for kiddos entering these grade levels next fall. For example, your nerd is currently in 3rd grade, register them for any 4-7 class.

Max is 20 nerds, with a 10:1 student to teacher ratio. Some classes we limit to 16 or 18 total nerds.

Each class will have a 15min recess break so bring a snack and water bottle. If kiddos are attending an AM and PM class, they also get a lunch break to eat, socialize, and relax.

We have had many nerds take classes multiple times. The curriculum may have minor changes from year to year, but taking a class more than once does have benefits. Nerds can continue to improve upon their skills or projects, and really solidify their knowledge. Since all of our teachers are certified, they have experience differentiating instruction to meet the needs of all learners.

Only exception is an escape class. The clues don’t change!

One week, M-F, 3hrs a day. AM classes run 9am-12pm, and PM classes run 1pm-4pm.

Sometimes we have special guests like industry experts come in and talk to the kiddos. In the past we have had a drone pilot, robotics expert, and a software engineer come in for special presentations. We also made a 3D Printed prosthetic hand specifically built for Ms. Westmoreland’s brother and we presented it to him during a Family Event!

Nerding doesn’t have any typical art only classes per se, but numerous classes do have some elements where art and creativity can be applied to different projects. Summer 2022 we have Mythical Forests: Art & Engineering class. Mrs. Warwick teaches that class and she is an amazing art teacher!


Nerding offers a wide variety of classes, all based around STEM subjects and skills. From Intro to Coding, to Wizard Science, we have a fun mix of classes that bring Science, Technology, Engineering, and Making all together in lots of creative and engaging ways.

The last 45min of class on Friday, we have the Nerd Showcase where parents, family, and friends are invited to come see what the kiddos have learned and/or made during the week. We don’t have parents in during class unless they have set up with the teacher in advance to help with a specific project.

We take a short recess break during class. We abide by the AZDHS heat alerts and safety guidelines for schools. We check the weather and we may take recess breaks inside or outside depending on the scorching sun. Most locations have shade structures, trees, and misters, and sometimes there is staff carrying chilled spray bottles to cool off the kiddos to make outdoor time more reasonable in the AZ summer. Some classes may also go outside for short activities, i.e. filming a scene, launching a rocket, or searching for an escaped dinosaur! Eduprize has a large inside gym for breaks and lunch. Yay AC!

If you are running late, please call us at 833-NERDING. Also note, we do not offer before or after care.

Each location has it’s own procedures. Please visit The locations page for specific procedures at that location

Nerds arrive at class and are greeted by their teachers and new friends. There are daily lessons on the topic with real world connections and hands on projects. We take a 10-15min recess break half-way through class. Usually stepping outside for a snack. In class, we focus more on doing than lecturing. Our classes are an enjoyable mix of presentation and tactile activities.

STEM is an acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (or in Nerding’s case, we like to say M is for Making!). Nerding teaches STEM in a way that resemble real world scenarios, using skills that combine all four of these subjects. Using STEM, nerds will be able to apply knowledge and problem solving skills that will help them later in life and even in their chosen future career fields.


Nerding is an approved vendor with ESA! The best way to use your ESA money when signing up for our summer classes is to use your ESA debit card (which might be the same as a ClassWallet debit card). You can also use your own form of payment—a credit card or debt card—and get reimbursed by ESA by using the PDF receipt we email to you after you check out on our site. The PDF has all of our company details, like EIN and address, and lists the classes you signed your kids up for! If you have any trouble, let us know. We know that navigating using your funds outside of the Classwallet system can be tricky. Rest assured, we will help you find a solution!

We are working on offering a teacher nominated scholarship program! Check back for more details!

Please visit our Cancellations Policy page


Nerding doesn’t have a year round location…yet. We rent out school type facilities over the summer. Once classes begin at the end of May, you are welcome to take a tour! We also hold Family Events on Fridays where parents and family are invited to come see what your nerds learned and/or made during the week.

Nerding doesn’t have a year round stand alone location. You can view our Locations page for the current summer locations.


We do not. We are not a child care facility nor have the license to do so. Please drop off your nerd no more than 10min before class and please pick up on time. Of course call us at 833-NERDING if you are running late. Our day runs 9am-4pm. You can sign up for an AM class 9am-Noon, and a PM class 1-4pm to have your nerd attend all day. Lunch is supervised by our staff from noon-1:00pm so bring a lunch!

We cannot take registrations over the phone, email, or snail mail. If you are having an issue registering through our site, we would be happy to walk you through the process of registering online. Call us at (833) NERDING.

When registration opens you will see a REGISTER button in the main menu, also on the home page, also on the Summer Camps page.

  1. Click on a class title to view the class details
  2. add to cart the session you want.
  3. click on Checkout in your cart
  4. Login or set up an account
  5. Assign your nerd(s) to their class
  6. Pay! (on the payment page you can use any account credits you may have and also split your payment if your total is over $400)

Our classes are five days, M-F. The last 40min of the last day is our Nerd Showcase where parents and families can come see what their nerds have learned and/or made during the class. Possibly our short weeks are possibly Memorial Day week which is 4 days long, and usually 4th of July week which varies.

The last day to register your kiddo for a class (or classes) is usually the Friday or Saturday before the class starts After that, the class will be closed for enrollment so we can get final rosters prepared. We usually sell out long before that, so register soon!

As many as your nerd would like!

Of course not. We offer classes a la carte style. Classes are week long, M-F, 9am-12pm or 1pm-4pm. So pick what works for you! AM or PM. If you want your kiddo to attend all day, register for an AM and a PM class and they can stay through lunch, be sure to pack one for them! Please note holiday weeks, like Memorial Day and 4th of July, are shortened weeks.


All teachers have excellent classroom management skills to help ensure the safety of the kiddos. Each teacher is fingerprinted and has been teaching in a public or private school for five to thirty years! We do use various tools in the classroom. Kids will be taught or reminded of safety measures for building supplies and tech tools. Every single one of our teachers are kind, caring people who love kids, teaching, and STEM. They all have verified credentials like teaching certification and a fingerprint clearance, and are all around wonderful human beings.

We only run our classes at school type facilities that already have emergency evacuation plans, fire extinguishers, and other general safety measures. Children are contained within the campus or building. All non staff adults are checked in at the office. The entire Nerding staff has current AZ Fingerprint Clearance cards. Of course, no weapons are allowed on the premises.

We have a first aid kit on campus to help with minor cuts and scrapes and almost all of our staff is trained in CPR and First Aid. If a kiddo is sick, we will call parents. In the event of any emergency we will call 911 and notify the child’s parents immediately.

We are not a peanut or nut free campus. We unfortunately can’t control children bringing peanut or nut products or any other foods your kiddo may be allergic to in their personal snacks or lunches. 

We do however make every effort to keep your kiddo safe. When you register for a class, you have the opportunity to communicate any allergies and check a box saying your child will be bringing emergency meds.

Please notify the teacher during a drop off or pick up, or please call us to let us know who it is and when the pick up will be. Cal or Text 833-637-3464 (833-NERDING)


Yes, almost all of our teachers are trained and certified in CPR and First Aid, and most of our Assistants are trained as well.

We have a Staff page, where each certified teacher has a photo and short bio about themselves. Our teachers have between 5 and 30 years of teaching experience. You can meet the teachers on the first day of class when you drop off your children and at the Nerd Showcase on Fridays. If you have a specific concern or nervous kiddo, please contact us. We promise you and your nerd will LOVE your teacher!

All of our teachers are certified teachers, have years of experience, and are passionate about STEM. visit Staff page to learn more about them!

Um, YEAH! We love help! If you aren’t a parent, you must be at least 13 and be comfortable working with kids! Fill out the Volunteer Form on our Jobs page. Note: Parents should NOT fill out the volunteer form for their teen volunteer. Let them be responsible and do it themselves!

FAQ Suggestion

Have a question we didn’t answer in our FAQs? Please, by all means, let us know here. I bet someone else has the same question.