S.T.E.M. Class

Dino Discovery

Grades: 1-3*

Be a Paleontologist!

Mini Paleontologists delve into the past, touching real fossils and creating model fossils. Learn about dinosaur types, lifestyles, extinction, and fossil formation. Build a time machine, go on an ancient safari, write in your field journal, excavate a dino dig, and more!

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Q: What do you call a sleeping dinosaur? A: A dino-snore!


Are you a mini Paleontologist? Study the past through fossils! Touch real fossils and create model fossils of your own! Learn about types of dinosaurs, how they lived, and what might have happened to them.

You’ll build a time machine and go on an ancient safari to try to spot a totally real (not at all a person in a costume!) T-Rex somewhere on campus. Then you can study it and record your observations in your field journal. WARNING: Don’t forget to turn OFF the time-machine!

We will even conduct our own dino dig! Can you help us safely excavate our site and figure out what kind of dinosaur we have discovered?

**This class can be messy. Dress appropriately!

It’s really hard to NOT love this class. Any nerd that is interested in dinosaurs or animals will love this class. There is so much to learn and do for a young paleontologist!

  • dinosaur model eggs
  • dinosaur models
  • trace fossils
  • field journals
  • LOTS of projects
  • kinds of dinosaurs
  • how dinosaurs lived
  • what might have happened to them
  • how fossils form
  • how we study dinosaurs with fossil
Our Little Nerd classes for grades 1-3, are engaging and exciting and vary greatly in content and structure, but in some form there is always direct instruction from the teacher, guided practice, and independent or small group work with help and support from peers and staff. We usually begin the day with a team building activity and move into our first lesson. Next is a hands-on activity or project. Halfway through the class, kids will take a brief recess and snack break. A second lesson follows break and the kids will do another project/activity or continue one they were working on. Bottom line: It’s hands-on, interactive, fun learning.

SUMMER & BREAK CLASSES ONLY: Class is 3hrs each day, so bring a snack for break time. Also, bring your own refillable water bottle. Don’t have one? Add our Nerding water bottle to your order and pick up on first day of class!


Your nerd will build and discover like these nerds have.


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View our After School page to see if this class is offered. Not all classes are offered after school.

Summer Camp

$145 - $225

2024 was a great summer of classes! See you Summer 2025. Registration will open Saturday 10am, March 8, 2025.

Questions before signing up?