Embark on an epic journey to a galaxy far, far away at our “Use the Force” summer camp, where young Nerdawans will unleash their inner Nerdi through the power of science and engineering! Channel your inner Force as we delve into the mysteries of physics and explore the science of our own universe.
Join us as we construct thrilling “pod racer” marble tracks that twist and turn throughout the room, mastering the forces of gravity and momentum. Feel the power of magnetism as we delve into the secrets of this force, and craft “totally real” laser swords! WARNING! Nerding is not responsible for any sofas sliced in half once they get home…
But that’s not all! We will be doing some exciting building projects, unleash the power of catapults, and discover the principles of gravity through captivating experiments. From simple machines to complex structures, young Nerdawans will hone their engineering skills and unlock the secrets of the Force.
Throughout our adventures, we’ll learn about the various forces at play, including friction, pressure, gravity, and push/pull, as we embark on hands-on experiments and projects that bring the real science to science fiction.